Invisible Cities

It was a pleasure to produce the Fremantle iteration of this project of Melbourne artist and human ecologist Asha Bee Abraham in 2017.  Invisible Cities Fremantle used a participatory art approach to explore relationships between people and place. It invited public contributions of stories and mapped the memories held within the city, revealing intriguing, experiential tales for people to listened to while walking the streets of Fremantle.

Ably assisted by Marnie Richardson, we recorded a diverse collection, embedding 30 story sites in central Fremantle with audio story content accessible to audiences through a digital map interface which unlocked stories as people neared each site.  

The project was an early local example of story distribution via mobile app, making content accessible at user discretion. It presented a contemporary exploration of heritage and layered place identity through a participatory, multigenerational approach to collective meaning-making in public space.

To listen to the stories, download the app here: